Pedaling is an important part of piano playing, and effective pedaling generally helps the pianist create the effect of “legato” or smooth playing. It also can help sustain notes when the pianist has moved his or her hand to do … Continue reading
This video is of a simple piano lesson introducing you to the very basics of the keyboard. It is meant to explain the layout of the keyboard for easy comprehension AND to get you to start playing on the keys … Continue reading

All throughout life, the principle of persistence is at work. This principle explains the incredible levels of skill attained by advanced pianists (and all other advanced artists in any field). It is not usually so much that they are “talented” … Continue reading
by Chris Goslow Have your ever been in a situation where your mind got in the way of your ability to achieve what you set out to achieve? Has this ever happened, say, when you were playing your musical instrument? … Continue reading

Let me ask you a question: When you think of the idea of piano practice, what associations come to mind? If you are like most people, you may have included words or descriptions on your list that are not exactly … Continue reading
Learning to play piano can be an incredible experience that can bring you joy for the rest of your life. Yet sometimes our ideas about doing something can interfere with making the progress we want to make. With that in … Continue reading

There are many fine piano teachers out there, and sometimes it can be hard to know what exactly you need in order to select the right one. Finding a piano teacher who is a good match for yourself or your … Continue reading
by Chris Goslow Since starting to play piano shows a couple of years ago (and by now I have done over four hundred of them), people have often come up to me after the show telling me how much they … Continue reading
by Chris Goslow There is a completely unjustified stigma that sometimes attaches itself to the idea of being a beginning piano student. Sometimes, people get intimidated by the idea of starting something that they have not developed a high level … Continue reading
by Chris Goslow You have probably heard of the pleasure principle. It states that we as humans tend to seek out what brings us pleasure and avoid what brings us pain. Anthony Robbins in his book “Awaken the Giant Within” … Continue reading