Piano Lessons Actually Designed for Adults


Let me ask you a question:
What do you think of when you think of piano lessons?

When I talk to people about teaching piano, I often get a similar response:  they assume (wrongly) that I primarily teach children. After all, that is their perception of who piano lessons are for.

Believe me, I do teach some children, and they can be great to work with. And yet I have found that it is often the adults who are the best students.

Adults in Piano Class

Here’s why:
1) Learning music is personal for adults. Often, they have waited for years before finally letting themselves learn to play or get back to playing.  They really appreciate the chance to play, and they know why it matters to them.   Kids may not really know why they are taking lessons, other than passing curiosity (which can change from moment to moment), or because their parents want them to.

2) Adult students generally have learned through life experience what it takes to learn and master something. Many kids have not yet developed the patience nor truly developed the desire to learn piano. Adults, on the other hand, understand that in order to get the results they want, they have to stick out the process.  And since piano playing is so important to them (or else they wouldn’t be doing it), they are willing to put in time and effort.

3) Piano lessons provide a great way for adults to do something for themselves. Music is a natural sanctuary for a busy adult: it is contemplative and enjoyable, intellectually demanding yet something they can do on their own terms. It is a great break from their jobs and their families, while potentially enhancing the lives of others around them.

4) Music provides a stress-free, creative way for adults to socialize. Music is, after all, a highly social art form. It is a great way to share with others, as well as be inspired by others. Adults often cherish this experience and may not find it anywhere else in their lives.

A Place Where You Can Put Yourself First
At my piano studio, I aim to give adults a place where they can put themselves first. Some people YEARN to play piano but are worried about being thought of as selfish.  This is unfortunate, since I believe that when you take care of yourself, you automatically are better able to take care of and serve others.  Piano lessons is a great way to take care of yourself!

No matter where you are in life, you deserve the guidance of a teacher who understands what it means to be an adult taking piano lessons. I aim to give you a musical outlet you might not otherwise have, and access to your own musical creativity, which lives inside of you and is eager to be expressed.

My program is designed with you in mind if you are:

  • Ready to express yourself musically and creatively
  • Ready for a break from the other demands of your life
  • Ready to come to a place where you can learn with your adult peers
  • Ready to challenge yourself and experience the joy of learning
  • Ready to do something for yourself, because YOU want it
  • Ready to do something that inspires you, knowing it will positively impact others around you

If this sounds like you, I urge you to contact me. Let’s talk about how I can help you achieve your musical goals at the piano, whatever they may be.

Visit https://PianoLessonsInSacramento.com/Take-Lessons or call me at 916-910-8686 and we can set up your FREE introductory meeting.

I’m looking forward to helping you,

Chris Goslow
Piano instructor/ Owner of Piano Lessons in Sacramento



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