Music Performance Workshop

Want to gain experience performing music in a safe learning environment?

Ever worried about stage fright or getting anxious while playing music?

Are you interested in growing your performing confidence?

If you answered YES to any of the above questions, Chris Goslow’s Performance Workshop, serving Sacramento area students and performers, may just be for you!

(Continue reading for more details)

“I had a huge fear of performing… [Chris’s Performance Workshop] was really marvelous… I feel myself becoming more of the musician I need to be. I have a whole new outlook on music and myself and my ability, and I’m not fearful anymore. It’s now such a joy to perform.”

–Performance Workshop participant Danielle W.


“From Fear to Freedom” Performance Workshop

Imagine being able to perform music with confidence and joy, free of distracting worry or fear. Many people do not have this experience when it comes to performance, and I can certainly understand why. The fear of failing, of “looking bad,” can sometimes be so great as to completely stop people from ever trying. Yet I have found that it IS possible to to overcome these fears and to enjoy performing. In fact, it is even possible to learn to LOVE it. That is what this Performance Workshop is about.

Chris Goslow's Performance Workshop

Next Workshop details:


“The workshops allowed me to approach the idea of performing from a different and more positive angle. I was also pleasantly surprised by the performances and openness of the other students.”

— Thomasina T.

In Chris’s Performance Workshop you will get:

The chance to perform and/or observe other students perform in a positive “workshop” environment where you are learning alongside your peers.

A fun, shared experience that demystifies performing and makes it safe fun to do.

Extra experience performing the music you are working on
An extra session each week learning from me.

The chance to hear and learn from the experiences of other students.

Chris Goslow's Performance Workshop


In their own words, things past students have learned from the Performance Workshop:

“That what I have to offer touches other performers/people deeply and is worthy of sharing.” –Danielle W.
“That I needn’t be as nervous about performance. I have relaxed considerably and therefore have improved concentration and control.” –Michael G.
-“To approach performing with a sense of joy and to please people. Don’t ‘get in your head.’ Hard to do but works.” –Susan H.

Are you ready to make SERIOUS progress as a performer toward being the performer YOU want to be? If so, contact Piano Lessons in Sacramento to inquire about the next workshop date.