If you are like most adults I work with, you have a lot going on in your life. You have a strong desire to learn piano, and at the same time you have the demands of work and family competing for your time and energy. You might be asking yourself, “How can I make time for piano?” After all, doesn’t it take hours every single day to do? And who has two hours a day to devote to playing piano, unless you are retired, independently wealthy, or
live on an island (with a piano on it)? Right?

(image by Charr Crail)
I can certainly understand these objections. Yet I have found that most adults really can make time to play piano, even if their lives are busy. In fact, I have an agreement with adults from day one: Honor your highest priorities. I know you love piano playing, and unless you are a professional musician or retired, your work and family usually
come first. Believe me, I get it.
You can still do piano lessons!
Consider this:
What if you commit to getting in the habit of playing everyday?
That’s right. It could be ten to fifteen minutes. Just allow yourself to make time for piano everyday, whether it’s in the morning before you go to work, or in the evening (I’ve even had students who practice at work on their lunch break!).
You will find that doing this has many benefits:
- Everyday your mind and fingers go over the musical challenges you are working on. Thus you make progress.
- Everyday you carve out a small piece of time for yourself, even if for a few minutes. This makes you happy.
- You will be surprised that sometimes you play a lot longer than you expected.
- They say it takes 30 days to develop a habit. Habits are incredibly powerful tools for learning. Your habit of playing piano daily, even if for a short time, could be the single greatest force in helping you learn.
You may be thinking “But I don’t want to do something unless I can give it my best.” Ok, I get that. Yet, SOME progress is better than no progress, don’t you think? And some playing is better than no playing. And if a few minutes a day is your best right now, what’s the shame in that? Focus on what you can do. You will be surprised at how powerful a daily habit of playing is. In the long term, consistent effort over time is even more important than single large doses of practice.
Secondly, you may be concerned about how it will look to me or others if you make slow progress. To which I reply, who is it you are taking lessons for? Not for me! You are not doing piano lessons to get a grade, or to look good for someone else. This is about being satisfied with yourself. When you make time for piano, you make time for yourself. You do something that matters to you. And this helps you like yourself more and lead a happy life!
And just think: giving yourself something you can enjoy doing every day, that’s not a bad life! It’s small price to pay for a daily piece of bliss.
Are you ready to stop waiting and make time for piano playing in your life? If so, contact me now and we will set up a meeting where I will show you how I can help you make the progress you want to make. I’m looking forward to working with you!